The following mindmap shows the detection methods (left) for DDoS attack categories (middle) and the mitigations (right)
By recognizing the four main categories of attack, security professionals can mitigate even previously unknown vectors:
1. Volumetric :Flooding
2. Computational Asymmetric : Consuming CPU cycles
3. Stateful Asymmetric : Abusing memory
4. Vulnerability-based : Exploiting software vulnerabilities
5. Blended DDoS : Combination of multiple attack vectors Security professionals need to understand How to plug the security gap from Layers 3 to 7, and protect against multi-layer attacks, with a full proxy security architecture. It's time torethink and refine the enterprise security architecture, so organizations can remain agile and resilient against future threats.
The following mindmap shows the detection methods (left) for DDoS attack categories (middle) and the mitigations (right)